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This has been the happiest and most relaxing camping trip yet for us.
That kind of grit takes a whole lot of puposeful training and practice.
And if you knew the last few weeks we have had over here, you would know that is a crazy statement.
I am starting to realize the best things in life are only enjoyed by those with the grit to get there….
The best lives are not those free of challenge or adversity or troubles.
Saint Maria Goretti
This little 11 year old girl’s story brought me to my knees today. Please watch it.
The last few years have brought me enemies in a way I never thought possible.
Faces I don’t care to ever see again.
I have known betrayal and heartbreak I never ever could have even imagined.
The sheer weight of the aftermath and loss and grief has been suffocating at times… And still it doesn’t hold a candle to this one small girl’s plight and her family’s.
Ok, it was me.
I had no idea what a stigmata was.
And if you would have told me, I would have utterly rejected it as invalid.
Why? Because stigmatas didn’t fit in my theology.
Christ dying for me was great.
Basking in the favor of a loving God who had paid the price for my wrongs….brilliant.
I lay guzzling “spiritual milk”, tasting all the goodness of God.
But I just stayed there suckling on the breast, a grown adult refusing to be weaned.